Despite the strange times we find ourselves in volunteer work is still continuing in Ecclesall Woods, with appropriate social-distancing in place. This week the rangers and their volunteers managed to get in the chestnut fencing around an area previous identified for conservation of wood sage (Teucrium scordonia) growing at the top of the escarpment overlooking the Limb Brook in Wood 3.

As mentioned in an earlier post, this small woody plant was once common alongside the footpath but it has been trampled to such an extent that it currently only persists around the bases of trees, where it is afforded some protection from footfall. Fencing this small area off will allow natural regeneration to take place over the coming years. This will be assisted by the reintroduction of plants collected from this site last autumn. These plants were potted on to give them a chance at putting on some new growth before they are transplanted in the coming weeks.