The Woodland Discovery Centre -
10 year anniversary
Ranger, Nell Dixon, writes about the events organised to celebrate 10 years since the opening of the J.G. Graves Woodland Discovery Centre, in Ecclesall Woods, in Autumn 2011.
The big celebration event took place on Sunday 30th October 2011, with the Lord Mayor in attendance.
Images showing the building of The J.G. Graves Woodland Discovery Centre in 2011.
The celebration event to mark the opening of the building on Sunday 30th October 2011.
In October 2021, Sheffield City Council organised a month-long programme of events to celebrate ten years of the J.G. Graves Woodland Discovery Centre. Due to COVID 19 the decision was made not to have one big event, but
instead have a large number of smaller events that predominantly took place outdoors.
Here’s some photos from the various events.
Left: Friends of Ecclesall Woods ran practical work sessions for the public to attend and help care for our woodland. There are volunteer session every Tuesday all year round, with around 10 – 15 volunteers each week. Right: Friends of Ecclesall Woods organised a Fungi Trail throughout the woods, which was attended by 140 people.
Left: Rangers organised a Pumpkin Trail, which was attended by 400 people. Right: Accelerate ran a (Little) Big Run Weekend, with lots of runs and workshops in the woods.
The Craft Course team ran number of Craft Mini Workshops – including soap making, stained glass and willow stars.
60 people attended the courses over the month.
Left: Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust ran four WildPlay Sessions in the woods for families. 69 children and 39 adults attended the sessions in the woods. Right: Growtheatre ran two Halloween holiday sessions for families. 60 children and their families attended the sessions in the woods.
Left: Community Forestry ran a Seed Collection Day for visitors to the woods. Right: Sheffield Woodland Connections ran two tree walks in the woods. 35 adults attended, plus a few children.
In March 2022 we planted a hedge to celebrate ten years of the Woodland Discovery Centre. This was planted across Whirlow Playing Fields by volunteers, helped by rangers and the community forestry team. The hedge is a mix of hawthorn, field maple and dog rose. We hope to add some alder buckthorn to this hedge very soon and a few larger trees to strengthen up the ends of the hedge. Here are some photographs of our very hardworking volunteers planting the hedge on Thursday 17th March 2022.