
Ecclesall Woods hosts a range of seasonal events, walks and talks. Find out what’s coming up on our events calendar.  

WildPlay School Holiday Activities

1st, 2nd, 9th, 10th April

Love playing and exploring outside? Join Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust for Easter fun where they play games, look for creepy crawlies and birds, and build our own nests!

£8 per child 

Booking essential

Suitable for children age 3-9

Festival of (April) Fools with Grow Theatre

Thursday 10th April

Step into a world of mischief – amidst the trees a messy mud pie feast, obstacle course, a treasure hunt and much more – all in the name of fun and folly!

£8 per child 

Booking essential

Suitable for children under 12

Spring Bird Walk with Pete Brown

Saturday 26th April
8am-10am (approx)

Join the Friends of Ecclesall Woods for a 2 hour walk looking for spring birds, especially summer migrants such as blackcap, chiffchaff and watch the activity at the heronry.

Free to members

£5 cash on day to non members

Places are limited so please sign up at with your name and the number in your party.

Please wear sturdy shoes and bring binoculars if you can.

Bluebell and Spring Plants Walk with Gerry Firkins

Saturday 3rd May
10am-12noon (approx)

Join the Friends of Ecclesall Woods for a 2 hour walk looking at bluebells and other spring plants with local botanist Gerry Firkins. 

Free to members

£5 cash on day to non members

Places are limited so please sign up at with your name and the number in your party.

Please wear sturdy shoes.

Building Trust and Community in Youth Settings Training

Friday 16th May

Training is designed to equip educators and youth facilitators with the skills and confidence to lead more inclusive, safe, and nurturing group spaces. 

More events coming soon...